One of my goals is to start shooting in RAW which will allow me more freedom when I edit my photos, yes perhaps it will be more work, but I will have full control of the final outcome of each photograph. I also want to do more black & white photography. At the Art Institute of Seattle where I studied photography and before digital photography really kicked in I learned how to process my own black & white film and photographs. I fell in love with the whole process, but like with everything times change and you have to move on with the times. I miss black & white and until recently I had lost interest.
HDR (High Dynamic Range) has always fascinated me and I've been wanting to learn it, so I downloaded this book by Harold Davis "Creating HDR Photos, The Complete Guide to High Dynamic Range Photography". First let me say awesome book! Very well written and easy to follow steps. Great guide for the beginner HDR photographer. I can't wait to get started. But what really got my attention was when I saw the black & white HDR photographs. Wow! Completely took my breath away! I knew I could create great black & white photographs I just need to learn and experiment.

I processed these two photos using Topaz adjust and Silver Efex. Not exactly HDR, but kinda gives me an idea of how and what I'm looking for. As I start to learn these techniques I will definitely be posting about it.
I also plan on doing color HDR as well.
Stay tuned................
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