Well I guess it has been a little while since my last posting. Sorry about that. It has been kinda busy.
The main reason is the photographs above and below. Meet Riley, he is an Irish Wolfhound/Retriever mix. He is the size of a retriever, but all of his other features are Irish Wolfhound. We got him from our local Humane Society. He is just over a year old and let me tell you he is full of energy. The past month we have been trying to train him, but with little success. So we decided to get a trainer to help us out. We went for his evaluation today and as I had always known he has a ton of potential, but needs lots of work. We got some great tips and of course homework to work on. For the next 4 weeks we will be attending private lessons with him and he won't be the only one being trained correctly. I think it will be a training process for us too.

Apparently Riley hadn't been trained properly in his previous home and also might have been crated. There was evidence of that on his canine teeth which were curved on the backside of them from gnawing at the crate. He alsl has some anxiety issues, which are getting better.
I have to say the first week after we got him, I was ready to take him back, but I knew that wasn't an option. I was determined to work with Riley and help him become a great dog that I know he is. After about a month now even though we are seeking a trainer, we are seeing small steps of improvement. Riley just needs owners who are patience, who are persistence and will persevere.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.