Happy Halloween

Coragyps atratus
If you would like to see this photograph enlarged or would like to purchase this click hereI love photographing birds and especially listening to them sing, but when I was listening to the sounds of these Black Vultures, well frankly it's creepy! Check out the sounds of this menacing looking Black Vulture.
A few years back while visiting the Anhinga Trail in Florida we were told to cover our tires, wipers and anything else that was black rubber, because these Black Vultures will peck at them and destroy them. So caution was taken. We went along our way looking at all the alligators, birds and other wildlife in the park. When we returned back to our car, I saw those Black Vultures all over this truck with a trailer attached to it. Not a pretty site, but definitely curious site. I'm not sure why they like the black rubber and from what I have read the scientists are not really sure either.
So the next time your visiting the Everglades or the Anhinga Trail in Florida be sure to cover your car, truck and trailer, because those Black Vultures are around somewhere.
I've updated my website really liking the way it came out. Stop by let me know what you think.
See you next Friday!
Have a Ghoulish Halloween!
Have a Spooktacular weekend!